
Courses for Academic Credit

Graduate Certificate in Railroad Engineering

Students with an earned bachelor’s degree and experience with engineering and stress analysis are qualified to enroll in this innovative graduate-level railroad engineering certificate.  Each course takes place during the regular 15 week semester during the Spring term and the Fall term.  To earn the Graduate Certificate students must complete a minimum of three (3) of the graduate courses below.

Undergraduate Course Offerings

For railroad professionals who may not yet have earned a bachelor’s degree, there are undergraduate level courses available.  Each course takes place during the regular 15 week semester during the Spring term and the Fall term.  All courses listed below are available fully online.


This category of education is not academic credit based, but instead carry Continuing Education Units (CEU) credits. Courses range in length from a day to a week and can be given via Zoom, on UD’s Newark DE campus, or onsite (for specific organizations).

Topics include:

  • Introduction to Railroad Engineering
  • Railroad Safety and Derailment Prevention
  • Rail Problems and Maintenance/Grinding
  • Application of Emerging Data Techniques in Railway Maintenance
  • Continuously Welded Rail/Rail Neutral Temperature
  • Intro to Railroad & Transit Systems for Non-railroad Professionals

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